Star History
The Star did not become popular in the United States until the 1960’s and 1970’s and originated from the Pentagram. What was changed is the circle encircling the Pentagram was removed and the interwoven lines were made to touch one another at the corners and the word Star was attached to this symbol.
The origin of the word Star comes from Proto-Germanic circa 1200 A.D. and was first seen used by King Charles IV of the Holy Roman Empire, based in Germany and Czech geographical location.
Second a Star comes from the scientific or occult study of heavenly bodies, or Astronomy, as a celestial body of hot gasses that radiates energy derived from thermonuclear reactions in the interior.
Science is the state or fact of knowing, but how can that be when God is all knowing?
How can they split or cut the knowledge to confirm the bias of those who are anti-Yahweh, anti-Yeshua?
The origin of Occult is as secret, or not divulged then that would conclude that an occult practice of the heavenly bodies is not Godly, not sincere, not legitimate. Why? Because if the practice of heavenly bodies was not an occult or scientific practice then it would be Godly, it would be pure Spirituality, it would be the study of Yahweh and the Messiah to discover the real and legitimate knowledge of the unknown. The Occult definition states, “…become concealed or hidden from view or have its light extinguished.”.
Well if Occult states to extinguish light and we are fighting a spiritual battle, good versus evil, light versus dark then it would clearly make sense that this occult practice of Astronomy and the symbology of the Star is dead set on extinguishing the Light of God, the Light of Jesus. Occult practices are meant to drown out the Voice of Truth and the Word of God, as the Word is God and the Light is Jesus Christ.
Astronomy is a branch of Physics that studies celestial bodies and the universe as a whole and Physics is the Science of matter and energy and their interactions.
Man does not know all but many who are without God will claim they do without ever giving credit to God and our Lord Jesus Christ. Man has been infiltrated by the Devils of this World, the downcast of the evil one, the one who is flattering and smooth, looks good, smells good but behind closed doors is vicious, manipulating, divisive, controlling, ugly, without remorse, without Love.
Do you see how Science has split, cut, divided the Children of God and, over time, have caused us to wage war against one another?
This is the doing of the adversary, the devils, Satan, he is the ruler of this world, but we are not of this world, we are of the Heavenly World, but Satan wants us to stay trapped here on Earth with him for eternity because of his knowing of the fate to come, his eternal damnation into the fiery pits of Sheol.
Man needs symbols and signs to control the masses through false worshipping of these idols and corporate technocrats and global oligarchs use this to keep We the People as subjects, subjugated to their own ideals and narratives.
The use of the Star is used to make money, control others free will to believe this to be patriotic and honorary. The Star is used in different inferences such as celebrities, actors, actresses, musicians who are referred to as "stars”. Military service members receive different stars when honoring soldiers who were injured during War, or those who Died in War. War, war is not Godly, War is not Love, War is not Good, War is exploiting, extortion, coercion, it is bullying another country and countries peoples to be subjugated to the domination of another country or countries peoples.
“War is exploiting, extortion, coercion, it is bullying another country and countries peoples to be subjugated to the domination of another country or countries peoples.”
The Star is used EVERYWHERE and on Numerous Flag designs from All Around the World by countries and peoples who have a Long History of dominating the people of those countries. The Star is a symbol of compliance, a symbol of adherence, a symbol that many pledge their allegiance to, a symbol that controls emotions.
“A person who marks a star marks the Devil and the person who marks out the star is one who marks out the Devil” – Matthew Imholte.
United States Liberty Alliance grassroots organization has a firm foundation in Faith, as Faith is the substance of things Hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen. United States Liberty Alliance has designated a four-point symbol representing God, Family, Country, Love, some can call it a “Ninja Star” or “Star of Bethlehem” or simply as the Four Points of Peace. United States Liberty Alliance IS NOT dishonoring the fallen soldiers or our Country with the design of our logo and flag which we use on our material whether be online or on paper. United States Liberty Alliance is an Educational Organization giving the power of historical and credible knowledge, the Voice of Truth for the betterment of all people and instead of the few long-winded and conspiring families that seek to maintain control and dominance on the unknowing, gullible, and naïve.