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Mass Shootings, Incels?, KPMG, and the Center for Countering Digital Hate.


Mass Shootings, Incels?, KPMG, and the Center for Countering Digital Hate.

Exposing the REAL TRUTH!

Backstory Preface:

This investigation begins after watching Candace Owen’s Documentary, “The Greatest Lie Ever Sold” (watch Trailer here- in which God directed me to investigate into recent shootings in which the incident that occurred in twenty-twenty-one where a Tres Genco of Hillsboro, Ohio. Tres Genco was labeled by media for being an “Incel” in which personally never have heard of this term, therefore leading me to further investigation into what Incels are. This investigation will lead into the Center for Countering Digital Hate or CCDH, of which there is a branch located in the United States and the United Kingdom, both being 501(c)(3) Non-Profit NGO’s. This document will include all important source links, records, pictures, and a professional conclusion of the immorality at play.

Mainstream Media Sources:


An “Incel” is someone who identifies as “Involuntary Celibate” and after doing a search for the hashtag using a DDG search stumbled upon a Incel Forum, and the About Us states,

“ is a community for men that struggle with or are unable to get into romantic relationships with women despite trying. We welcome men from all walks of life, and from all cultural and racial backgrounds, as long as you are an incel.”

What is the opposite of someone who claims or is claimed to be “Involuntary Celibate”?

That would be, voluntary debauchery, voluntary immorality, this is what the opposite of this term is and that will be important as one will understand more in depth by the end of this investigation document.

As any good investigator does, he or she follows the money and discovers who is calling the shots, the organization, and individuals behind the movement. Let us get ahead of this one before it becomes mainstream and be better prepared to handle this situation coming to. This is a clear attack on the man, the provider and protector, this is an attack on what some call the “nuclear family”, this is an attack on our independence, our freedom, our liberty, and our justice. Why? First, the man is known as the provider and protector since the beginning of time, there is no denying this, and by breaking up the family, feminizing men, allowing this to be culturally acceptable to transform the growing minds into a notably transgender society. This allows the government to become the “man” of the family, it allows the government to become the “family figure” to the emerging generations so that it creates a Globally Exploited Class of peoples which furthers the goal of depopulation, a crisis not even known, recognized, and vastly ignored. If you do not believe me, please do some research on the lead advisor for the World Economic Forum, Yuval Noah Harari who speaks about us as if we are either a Global Useless Class or the group of individuals who allow their self to be exploited for the riches of the world, instead of the riches of the heavens!

At the top of the website click on Blog and you will be brought to this website; where you will see the latest blog post titled, “Women Discriminate against Short Men in Dating” ( and when you click “About” ( it has you contact an Alexander Ash via Twitter to publish a blog post.

Funny thing is the account does not exist ( when you click on it which led to further investigation. Apparently, this Blog and Forum was created by a Transgender Teen (at the time) named Ian Alexander, or so I thought, but I will provide a picture of this Ian Alexander.

Ian Alexander is new and upcoming Netflix celebrity and was on the latest Star Wars movie.


According to a search on the website, the founder is Alexander Ash or called “SergeantIncel” and was founded in 2017. According to a Washington Post article, the forum was founded in 2017 by a Diego Joaquin Galante

This produced another breadcrumb for investigation into what CCDH is and what they do. CCDH is the Center for Countering Digital Hate that is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, non-governmental organization headquartered in Washington, DC and London, England.

CCDH Website:

Charity Navigator source for CCDH:

IRS Source Link: (Nothing to show)

CCDH EIN: EIN: 86-2006080


More on CCDH below.


The first incel forum was created in 1997 by a woman who was living in Toronto, Canada, her name was Alana, and she created the forum/website, “Alana’s Involuntary Celibacy Project” (first ever LGBT message board) (See link to a document created by a Sara Brzuszkiewicz speaking on this Project website). According to BBC she moved away from the community and fifteen years later discovered a small story about an Elliot Rodger tucked away in a feminist magazine.

Elliot Rodger was 22 in 2015 and killed six people in a shooting and stabbing spree in Isla Vista, CA, again according to BBC News. This created an image of heroism to those in the Incel community and in April of 2018, a man from Toronto by the name of Alek Minassian posted on Facebook, “The Incel Rebellion has already begun… All hail the Supreme Gentleman Elliot Rodger”.

Since 2017, “Alana” founded the “Love, not Anger Project( which states on the home page, “beyond involuntary celibacy”. The history of this project states that “Alana” handed her website off to “other people around the year 2000”. At the bottom of the website the Copyright belongs to, Metimea Inc. which is based out of Toronto, Canada. No website found besides this from Canada Corporation about this company,

Under Registered Office Address you will find the following:

Care of: Alana Boltwood 142 Spadina Road Suite 203 Toronto ON M5R 2T8 Canada

Alana now has a full name, Alana Boltwood, owns Metimea Incorporated which runs Love, not Anger Project which evolved from her initial concept and website, “Alana’s Involuntary Celibacy Project.

What is quite odd is that Metimea Inc. was founded April 26th, 2008, 8 years after handing off her initial project and 9 years prior to Love, not Anger project being founded in 2017.

Love, not Anger” Twitter:

Alana Boltwood Twitter (states individual lives in Toronto, Canada) -

Twitter profile states, “Making sense of complexity. KPMG consultant. Strategic Foresight & Innovation grad from OCADU. Sometime artist. Views expressed are my own.”

Alana's LinkedIn States, “Globalizing ESG Technology at KPMG

Metimea website: (Also comes up as,

Alana Boltwood, “Making and using large models of complex systems: The Poverty Reduction Model” for her requirements for the degree of Master of Design in Strategic Foresight and Innovation.


What is KPMG?

Dina O’Donnell is a partner for the Technology Strategy and Digital Transformation and her three influencers are Angela Duckworth with GRIT, Bill Gates (we all know who this individual is), and Adam Grant. TESLA is a company of interest, and IBM, KPMG US

KPMG and US DoD are collaborating, working together with Attabotics appointing it as the world’s first 3D robotics supply chain system. (Source:

Thinking Moment: What would someone do for work if a robotics supply chain replaces their position?

This would give the company nothing more than a very low maintenance cost, saving tons on not paying employees, health care insurance, and workman compensation claims. More on KPMG below.


CCDH or the Center for Countering Digital Hate is operated by CEO and Founder Imran Ahmed (CCDH source link: yet Is NOT a director.

Imran Ahmed LinkedIN Profile and Picture:

Love, not Anger Project” and the “Center for Countering Digital Hate” were both founded in 2017, within 6 months of one another. Apparently, Diego Joaquin Galante who runs (or ran the message board, see more information below) the forum also runs a website with another individual, Lamarcus Small, named Sanctioned Suicide and LooksMax (see more on LooksMax below) which was being investigated by United States Congresswoman Lori Trahan out of Massachusetts.

(Sanctioned Suicide website is blocked on DDG, find it on Yandex or here,

Originally it was a .dot com registered through Epik website servers, was banned and then a .org was created as mentioned. The Sanctioned Suicide Twitter is still available as well,

Yet, as they foolishly attempt to shut down the website, the is still active and running, the new site with the .org extension is active and running and CCDH is grabbing attention to the topic of “Involuntary Celibacy” for a demographics of young people between 15-30 years of age who are going through natural woes of finding their own identity and learning how to interact with those of the opposite sex. Instead of labeling other demographics of young people, instead let us encourage and instill confidence so this behavior is not glamorized and accepted, letting the young generations know that it is completely alright and normal to be rejected, to feel alone, and that discovering who you are with what God has given you at birth, the biology of a male, or a female is natural and most importantly and privately between parent and child.

CCDH Influence Watch source link: - Interesting information on the Democratic party of both the United States and England with regards to the leadership of CCDH.


A video appeared on the website, another website created by Diego Joaquin Galante stating that he was kidnapped by dark triad Latinos to be punished for his suicide forum (Sanctioned Suicide). Diego Joaquin Galante was born in Montevideo, Uruguay, and Lamarcus Small from Huntsville, Alabama. No information can be further found on either of these individuals, Diego Joaquin Galante and Lamarcus Small, this of which is quite odd and would lead to conclude they are deep state operatives being concealed and in witness protection.


Further Notes:

KPMG U.S. Foundation is in Dallas, Texas with the former President being Bernard J. Milano who is now a member of the Business School DEI Collaborative.

What is DEI? Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

How does it sound appealing but is not? Critical Race Theory, Gender confusion and Identity, “minor attracted persons” normalization, exposing children to behaviors unacceptable through the education system, environmental, societal, governance, and the infamous social credit score.

The current President is Anita Whitehead according to the 2021 IRS Form 990 tax filing.

KPMG U.S. Foundation, Inc. Registered Agent – CT Corporation System

1999 Bryan St., Ste. 900 Dallas, TX 75201 USA

MarketWatch Press Release: KPMG in Canada implements Truth and Reconciliation Action Plan:

Fmkorea article on Alana Boltwood and Incels:

Alana was on the Queer Ontario Steering Committee:

CCDH Blog Post (just read it slowly, and see what is actually being told):


Personal Conclusion:

A label was created by a transgender woman in 1993 or 1997, name being Alana Boltwood, that label was Incel(s) or Involuntary Celibate/Celibacy, in which she had a website called, “Alana’s Involuntary Celibacy Project”. Break apart her website name, Alana’s, as in who is the creator, Involuntary Celibacy, as in the subject, and Project, as in a set of tasks to be completed in a certain time frame. Alana Boltwood worked for Statistics Canada between August 1994 and August 1999, exactly five years. It states on her LinkedIn that she “led teams and projects”, so it seems as if this “website” was a way to gather statistics about these newly created demographics of people. Boltwood supposedly handed the company off to “other people” and she sort of disappeared until 2017 where she founded “Love, not Anger Project”, again another project AND a website. Both “Love, not Anger Project” and “” were both launched, and nothing is by chance or a coincidence. Alana Boltwood works for KPMG which is a company founded back in 1897, she currently is the Manager for Management Consulting with KPMG Canada (there is a KPMG US as seen above) where she “globalizes tech solutions for ESG (Environmental, Societal, and Governance) sustainability. Do not let the big and fancy words draw confusion to you or flattery, this is deception of the highest, because global tech solutions for environmental, societal, and governance is the “crypto-currency”, the blockchain digital currency that EVERYONE will have to use and that digital currency will be tracked, you will be monitored on whether you benefit the climate, climate conscientious, when you are on social media and you post content deemed to be misinformation, or disinformation you will incur penalties on a “social credit score”, Personal life, work life, when you are out at an event, a concert, friends at a bar, if you “misbehave”, cause “civil disobedience”, or if you say something and honest as simple as I love Jesus, or three percent of Americans won the revolution or you wave the Gadsden Flag one is deemed a “domestic violent extremist” and that will drop that social credit score, affecting ability to pay for simple necessities like food, water, fuel, transportation. This is not what we the people of this country or of this world want but this is what several of these corrupt individuals and families have been up to for a very long time. If you do not believe, go and see what China started regarding the social credit score and now several other countries including Italy (Bologna, Italy starting a pilot program), and the United States Federal Reserve (owned by Rothschilds family first, and Rockefeller family second) will be launching a pilot program starting early 2023 (predicted January). This other individual who apparently founded the website is not connected to Alana Boltwood as I can tell, that is where it gets tricky, this is a guy from Montevideo, Uruguay and another guy from Huntsville, Alabama, Lamarcus Small. Weird, to say the least, nonetheless the investigation led to a gruesome video of what seemed to be from the post was Diego (founded of having his members cut off by a Latino based gang. Nonetheless, the site is still active, and so is the other websites for sanctioned suicide and LooksMax, which promotes suicide and allows crude language and immoral behavior, all this despite a United States Congresswoman attempting to block the site, to no avail. Incel persons, or Involuntary Celibate persons are both girls and boys who at a certain demographics and according to the data it seems to be between the ages of 16-24 (maybe up to 30), the age where a person, no matter if they are a girl or boy are discovering their self after puberty. The different hormones that are passed through the bloodstream affects moods and can alter character alone, and for many years, as been stated. This stage of development has physical developments for both sexes, the voice changes, hair growth in different areas, rejection happens, and premarital sex may occur. Instead of having empathy, understanding, compassion, encouragement, and explanation of how these feelings of being different is a bad thing the society is brainwashed to believe these demographics of people are Incels, and if you are to do a quick DuckDuckGo search, which I would prefer you use Brave, or Yandex to search, do a search for “Incels and Extremism” and see what you come up with. So the State Department, DoJ, DoD and state organizations in England are imbedded into this because they are working with KPMG, and KPMG is associated with the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH). KPMG is where Alana Boltwood works, she is the person and a transgender person, who had a project in lieu of a website in the late 90’s where she coined the term Incels which is now being used to target this vulnerable group of individuals, blaming the victim. These individuals who are deemed violent extremists, incel extremists, incel violent extremist because they are simply having a hard time coping with being different, I mean come on, this can not make any common sense to anyone, this is such a distorted perspective of reality. There is no doubt whoever is running this, sanctioned suicide, and LooksMax website are linked somehow, someway to Alana Boltwood and the aforementioned state department organizations, using a pseudonym to conceal their actual identity and I am confident it connects the United States Government and the British Crown. If you look at those individuals going back to Elliot Rodger (sounds like a Federal Agent name) in 2015, who have committed heinous acts regarding being labeled “Incels”, they are predominately young Caucasian males. The compassion has left the house, the school, the peers, the family members, guardians, counselors, psychologists, the love is fading, but it is not too late to let the light of love shine through, “Troubled and Confused Youth need Healed and Healthy Adults”.

“Troubled and Confused Youth need Healed and Healthy Adults”

The Center for Countering Digital Hate again appears to be harmless, but so do many snakes, until they strike, and if one was to dive into CCDH you will notice the agenda and how it seems counterproductive and hypocritical. They are causing and creating digital hate to combat digital hate, such as through mediums like the, LooksMax, and Sanctioned Suicide, then combatting it with the US Congresswoman that was just beating on a concrete wall, metaphorically speaking. CCDH is yet another international non-profit, non-governmental organization, and at this moment, live, I seen the connection with all three, the Center for Countering Digital Hate with Founder and CEO Imran Ahmed, “Love, not Anger Project” by Alana Boltwood of KPMG, and with Diego Joaquin Galante ALL started in 2017, and that is no coincidence and links all three together. KPMG operates multi countries, districts, territories, and states, dictating and controlling the future of you and I, of those who are unaware of what is happening and occurring under their nose for generations. KPMG is influencing nearly every single university, most especially those colleges and universities that have the most student occupancy, shuttling tens and tens of thousands to these entities to peddle the narrative for diversity, equity, inclusion, to modernize globalization through economic, social, and governance with a social credit score. Here is one example of where KPMG has their stronghold, and all the list of universities, colleges and other various entities, organizations and companies are in the IRS Tax Form 990.

What do next, what is the next step?

For the time being, share this article, be vigilant and do your own homework, speak with your neighbors, friends, and family and most of all be still, do not succumb to the worm at the end of the line and know that God will guide us to uncover and have discernment for the answer to come, Amen.

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